Sunday, February 03, 2019

His Promises Are Sure

As we'll be studying Matthew 4 and Luke 4–5 this week, I was reading about Satan's efforts to tempt the Savior.  In Matthew 4, Satan promised the Savior all the kingdoms of the world.  Satan will make any promise to get his way, even if he can't (or won't) deliver.  It reminded me that we can always count on the Lord.  His promises are sure.  So this week, I'll be pondering Alma 37:16-17 which teaches that principle.

God is powerful to the fulfilling of all his words.  For he will fulfil all his promises which he shall make unto you, for he has fulfilled his promises which he has made unto our fathers.  (Alma 37:16-17)

The false promises of Satan and those who follow his evil ways are also evident in the Book of Mormon.  Remember when a Lamanite army was lost and stumbled across the people of Alma and promised to free them if Alma told them the way home?  When Alma showed them the way, the Lamanites did not keep their promise (Mosiah 23:36-37):

36 And it came to pass that the Lamanites promised unto Alma and his brethren, that if they would show them the way which led to the land of Nephi that they would grant unto them their lives and their liberty.
37 But after Alma had shown them the way that led to the land of Nephi the Lamanites would not keep their promise; but they set guards round about the land of Helam, over Alma and his brethren.

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