Saturday, September 21, 2019

Be of One Mind

Paul's message of unity and peace ("be of one mind, live in peace") is applicable today and will lead to the love and peace that we and the world need.

Note that his counsel to "be perfect" in the ancient Greek carries the meaning to "be what you ought to be".  Let's not get discouraged if we are not yet Godly.  Jesus Christ will make that happen through his grace.  He says, "Come, Follow Me."  Let's do what we can and turn to him.

This is one of the things we've been ponderizing this week from the Come, Follow Me reading.

Be perfect,
be of good comfort,
be of one mind,
live in peace;
the God of love and peace
shall be with you

2 Corinthians 13:11

Peace, peace be unto you,
because of your faith
in my Well Beloved.

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