Friday, September 04, 2020

The Rock of Our Redeemer (Come, Follow Me)

I have found this past week's Come, Follow Me reading to be so rich with uplifting and hopeful truths about the peace, prosperity, and protection that the Savior offers us.  I also love the imagery that Jesus Christ is our rock and sure foundation.

I'm a visual learner.  I'm not much of a graphic artist, but I like to use images to learn and anchor messages into my mind.  I've often thought about lighthouses and the protective beacons that warn us of danger and show us the safe path.  But Helaman 5:12 showed me something new--that these lights are anchored in rock so that they can endure the storms and warn others.  If we build our foundations on the rock of Jesus Christ, we can let our "light so shine" to aid others even as we experience the storms of life.

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